Friday, August 27, 2010

Bow, broadheads, and practice

This is the time of year that I tend to get a little impatient. It is football time which means Fall!!!  So, with all the stands up, food plots out, and blinds put up, all there is left to do is practice, practice, and more practice. The following pictures will show you my bow hunting set-up. I shoot a Bowtech Alligiance set at 60 pounds and shoot Goldtip XT Hunter 5575 arrows cut to 28" long. I also use Rage broadheads. Rage are a mechanical broadhead that opens up on impact and you will see what it looks like in the pictures. I have shot several deer and one bear with this set-up. I will also show you my last target shooting tonight and this group was at 40 yards.  Come on October 1st.

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