I am asked constantly to share/blog about our outdoor adventures. "Our" as in Luke and me - Julie and the girls have different likes and passions. I found this old blog I started years ago to try the "blogging" thing. Last entry: sometime in 2012. Pretty bad huh? There are several reasons why I am not good at it:
1. I hate to write. Julie says I am good at it and should write more. I have actually thought about writing a book paralleling archery and growing as a believer. You know: a good solid base, anchor point, follow though, etc etc... maybe one day!
2. I am too busy. It is hard to find time or make time necessary to sit and write. I have family, church, bees, and usually a hunting/fishing season going on. Why write about it when I can experience it right?
3. I receive joy in other ways. Some people LOVE to sit and journal or write. Yuck!! Why sit at a pc or iPad when I can be in a tree, catching a bass, or doing a bee removal?
4. I am not required to do this. It is voluntary and just "another thing" to have to do. I have enough "things" that require may attention.
Needless to say, I am a terrible blogger. I have tried - a few times. It has never worked out for very long. I have never followed through. Things get in the way. More important things come up. I forget. I am too tired to think about what to write.
Sorta sounds like the excuses we make for church or personal alone time with God doesn't it? You put your excuse right here _______________________________. I have my own and it is usually the same reasons I hate blogging. Bottom line if I want to succeed - I have to be intentional. Make it a priority. Create margin in my life and cut some things out or re-prioritize.
Soooo.... all of that to say this: I am going to try again. Follow along if you want. It will be sporadic and hurried sometimes. After all - squirrel season starts today!!!!