Last weekend Luke and I went to Switzerland County on a youth hunt. We hunted a place called Cedar Branch Farms that was over 1000 acres. The guys that own the farm use the youth season for their doe management plan.
Here is a video of a spike that came within 5-6 feet of us during the evening hunt. This is the same one that came in during the morning hunt. this deer came so close to the shooting house that Luke could have patted him on the head.
After this spike came in, another smaller spike feed in close to us. I could not let him shoot as bucks were off limits. 15 minutes later a doe came in and stopped 15 yards from our shooting house. Luke lined up the .44 magnum and put a perfect shot on her. She ran into the woods and since it was getting dark, we went back to camp. Once there we got Joe and we drove back to the spot Luke shot her. Once we found blood, Joe suggested that I let Luke trail her. After making him slow down and take his time, Luke found her about 75 yards away. Here is a blurry picture. I guess I had it on a wrong funtion with the camera.
We had a great time. Thanks to Joe and Bill for making this an awesome weekend for all the kids. We also went fishing (caught 50 bass), ate wild game, and shot guns. What a blessing it was to share this with my son.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Opening Day!!!
Well, it has been a while since I last posted. There has been a lot going on with the Richmond family the past few weeks.
Today is opening day of bow season here in Indiana. I went out late today due to having to get the kids on the bus. I got out in the stand about 7:50am and busted one going in. After about ten minutes in the stand, a big coon came walking by about 40 yards away. The only thing to come out for the next hour was squirrels and chipmunks. In dry leaves they sound like they weigh 100 pounds!!! I had a coyote come by at 20 yards but I could not get a shot. I usually carry and old broadhead/arrow for them. I could not get him to stop or I would have plugged him.
All in all a great morning!! What a blessing to be out. It is indeed my therapy.
Going to try again tomorrow morning.
Today is opening day of bow season here in Indiana. I went out late today due to having to get the kids on the bus. I got out in the stand about 7:50am and busted one going in. After about ten minutes in the stand, a big coon came walking by about 40 yards away. The only thing to come out for the next hour was squirrels and chipmunks. In dry leaves they sound like they weigh 100 pounds!!! I had a coyote come by at 20 yards but I could not get a shot. I usually carry and old broadhead/arrow for them. I could not get him to stop or I would have plugged him.
All in all a great morning!! What a blessing to be out. It is indeed my therapy.
Going to try again tomorrow morning.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Bow, broadheads, and practice
This is the time of year that I tend to get a little impatient. It is football time which means Fall!!! So, with all the stands up, food plots out, and blinds put up, all there is left to do is practice, practice, and more practice. The following pictures will show you my bow hunting set-up. I shoot a Bowtech Alligiance set at 60 pounds and shoot Goldtip XT Hunter 5575 arrows cut to 28" long. I also use Rage broadheads. Rage are a mechanical broadhead that opens up on impact and you will see what it looks like in the pictures. I have shot several deer and one bear with this set-up. I will also show you my last target shooting tonight and this group was at 40 yards. Come on October 1st.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
New cam pics
New cam pics at Scott's:
All on the food plot.... come on October. This one might have Bradley's name on it.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Turkeys and clover
August 15, 2010
Luke and ran to Scott's farm this evening to see if the rain had greened things up a bit. We got some rain a few days ago right after we planted out Winter annuals.
BUT before we got there Luke yelled, "TURKEYS!!!" So I turned around and sure enough the neighbors had some turkeys. Here are the pics:
Luke and ran to Scott's farm this evening to see if the rain had greened things up a bit. We got some rain a few days ago right after we planted out Winter annuals.
BUT before we got there Luke yelled, "TURKEYS!!!" So I turned around and sure enough the neighbors had some turkeys. Here are the pics:
Also, here are some pics from our Biologic clover and chickory plot. Looking good after getting mowed and some rain. I mowed it down really close week and a half ago.
Raedy to go Huntin ya'll!!!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Favorite stand
Today I went to Doug's farm and cleared out a path to my favorite stand. This stand has been money for me the past two years and is always loaded down with rubs and scrapes. It is one that just feels right. Today I had to clear a path beside the corn for about 200 yards. The weeds were really thick, but come October (corn may be out by then anyway) it should be clear for the walk in. I like to make a trail just wide enough that I don't touch anything for scent control. Might just be me, but that is what I do. My stand and shooting lanes loooked great so no work there.
Here is my buck from last year I took out of this stand with my bow.

Here is my buck from last year I took out of this stand with my bow.

And the one the year before that.
I love this stand!!!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
August deer pics
Well, been a while since I have posted. I have been in KY on a mission trip and in the U.P. of Michigan on vacation, so now it is time to get caught up on outdoor stuff.
For the record, Luke caught a lot of pike and crappie in Michigan but I have no pics for that. That lil guy is a machine on the water. I will post some pics in the next few days of our trip. UPBC is a great place to be and we love it there.
On July 29th I borrowed a big mower from a friend and mowed down a food plot planted in clovers and chickory. It had gotten way out of hand and you really neeed to mow 3-4 times a year to keep the clover tender and fresh for the deer AND weed competition down. This plot had gotten shoulder high with weeds and needed mowed weeks ago. I did get it done and it looks great with clovers popping up like crazy.
August 10th, Bradley Clark and I planted a Winter blend of beets and turnips for our plot. Thanks to Bradley for doing a huge part of the work with the tiller. We planted about 1/8 acre or so and top-seeded some bare spots with clover. Now we just need some rain and everything should really take off.
The following pics are from some friends that have cams out. There are many guys seeing some nice bucks. This is a great time to get pics of deer as they are moving from food to cover and cover to food. Soon that will change but right now we are getting some good deer on cams.
For the record, Luke caught a lot of pike and crappie in Michigan but I have no pics for that. That lil guy is a machine on the water. I will post some pics in the next few days of our trip. UPBC is a great place to be and we love it there.
On July 29th I borrowed a big mower from a friend and mowed down a food plot planted in clovers and chickory. It had gotten way out of hand and you really neeed to mow 3-4 times a year to keep the clover tender and fresh for the deer AND weed competition down. This plot had gotten shoulder high with weeds and needed mowed weeks ago. I did get it done and it looks great with clovers popping up like crazy.
August 10th, Bradley Clark and I planted a Winter blend of beets and turnips for our plot. Thanks to Bradley for doing a huge part of the work with the tiller. We planted about 1/8 acre or so and top-seeded some bare spots with clover. Now we just need some rain and everything should really take off.
The following pics are from some friends that have cams out. There are many guys seeing some nice bucks. This is a great time to get pics of deer as they are moving from food to cover and cover to food. Soon that will change but right now we are getting some good deer on cams.
Here is Ryan's pics from KY. What a hog!!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
I love tracks.
One of the fun parts of hunting and fishing for me is putting all the clues or pieces togther. Tonight Luke and I went out to retrieve a sd card from one of our cams and we came across this big track. Now with deer it is really hard to tell a buck from a doe. This track is of a very heavy deer that was walking with several other deer. Notice how it spreads due to the weight and the dew claws are in the mud as well. This usually means a bigger than average deer and bucks usually get alot bigger than does. SOOO... we are going to be thinking on the positive side and call this one a buck.
Just another piece of the puzzle to put together.
Just another piece of the puzzle to put together.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Pre-season scouting
Last night Luke and I went out a little before dark and watched a bean field that we will be hunting this Fall. Last week we watched four bucks from the road. Usually this time of year bucks are in "bachelor groups" and when you see one - you will see more. One of the bucks last week was a pretty good one, but we were 500-600 yards away. Last night we tried to get a little closer to see what we have for this year, but we only watched one doe come out and then it got too dark to stay.
One thing I would like to pass on that really worked for us. The bugs last night were awful and sitting in chest high weeds, in between a bean and corn field, we about got carried away. HOWEVER, I brought my Thermacell and in 5 minutes Luke and I enjoyed the evening with ZERO bugs. If you have not heard of the Thermacell, you need to go get one. I have taken this little gadget with many many times and it always works. Best $20 I have ever spent. Here is more info:
One thing I would like to pass on that really worked for us. The bugs last night were awful and sitting in chest high weeds, in between a bean and corn field, we about got carried away. HOWEVER, I brought my Thermacell and in 5 minutes Luke and I enjoyed the evening with ZERO bugs. If you have not heard of the Thermacell, you need to go get one. I have taken this little gadget with many many times and it always works. Best $20 I have ever spent. Here is more info:
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Getting ready for October in July
Bob Clark and I spent a couple hours at one of the properties we hunt getting ready for deer season, which starts Oct. 1 here in Indiana. I know it is about 90 degree's, but I have learned over the years that if you can get your stand setups done in July/August it really helps you later. As we put up new stands, move others, add ground blinds, and trim out shooting lanes the deer will have settled down by Fall. It amazes me how familiar the deer are with their surroundings. Imagine going into your house where someone had moved a chair, lamp, or taken down a picture. It is the same in the deer woods, so we try and get our setups done a long time before the season even starts. July/August sweat and bug bites really pay off in the Fall. Here are some of the cam pics we have taken so far.
Reel Times Introduction
If you are around me for anytime at all, you will see my love for the outdoors. My goal for this blog is to share with family and friends my "REEL" fishing and hunting adventures. Come along with me as I take my kids, friends, or sometimes just myself on reel adventures in the world God has created us to enjoy and be stewards of.
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